When you choose RoseCrest’s Health Care Center for your rehabilitation needs, you’re taking the first step toward getting back to an optimum lifestyle. As a client, you or your loved one may be asked to push towards the goals set before starting out on the journey of recovery. However, our compassionate team will be there for you through every pace of your rehabilitation.
Allow us to walk beside you and take away the daily stresses and worries you may otherwise face. Instead, focus on improving your health and well-being every day.
Our day at RoseCrest starts with a full breakfast, served at 8:00AM. Our residents have the option to receive their breakfast at this time, or receive an alternate/continental breakfast at an earlier or later time. Time of rising is not scheduled, but is per the residents’ request.
Daily at approximately 9:30AM, energizing exercise is provided by our activities department for the resident’s that would like to jump start their day with fun aerobics.
There are also a number of activities scheduled throughout the day, which our residents are encouraged to participate in such as, trivia games, bingo, worship services, devotions, crafts, and musical performances.
An enticing lunch is served daily around 12 noon. Our residents are encouraged to dine in one of our dining halls and enjoy the socialization with the other residents while also enjoying the soft music provided at meal times.
Therapy schedules vary for each resident. However, most residents will receive therapy services twice daily in one of our therapy gyms. Resident’s may also participate in therapy outdoors such as, walking on our nature trail with a therapist.
Most of our residents, when they are not participating in activities or therapies, enjoy sitting out on our front porch or in one of our flowering court yards.
To wind down the day, a satisfying dinner is provided at 6:00PM. Family members of our residents are welcome to dine with their loved one for any meal, as long as they have received a meal ticket from the receptionist ahead of time.
Visiting hours are not restricted. Our residents are encouraged to assume their home night time routines, as much as possible, while receiving rehabilitation at our facility.